MEDWAY BOYS & IKARI PRESENT WARHEAD By ACTIVISION (U.S.) - MPH ALL DOCS, AS EVER, TYPED BY THE ONE AND ONLY... _____ ___ _______ _____ _____ | | | | / \ |\ | | | | | | | |_____| | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | |-----| |-----| | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | \| | |_____| | | | _____ _____ _____ | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | |_____| | | | | | | \ | | |______ |_____| | \ |_____/ GAMEPLAY -------- "The most disturbing aspect of this conflict is that we do not know out enemy. We do not know their reasons for attacking us. We do not know who they are." It is the middle of the 21st Century and Earth had been violently attacked by an insect-like nation from a near star system, killing billions of Humans, swiftly wiping out countrues and collapsing world states, throwing the Planet into the merciless hands of a nuclear winter. "We intend to turn the tables. We intend to protect ourselves by fighting back. At last we have a weapon: THE FOE-57 SPACECRAFT..." As the remaining Humans turn to each other for combined strength and support, the Fist of the Earth world government turn to you to lead the ultimate battle. "The safety of the peoples of Earth rests in your hands..." LOADING INSTRUCTIONS -------------------- Switch on your computer and insert the disc. WARHEAD QUICK REFERENCE KEY CONTROLS ------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION SCREENS -------------------- ESC Skip the Title screen SPACE Double text speed until next text screen TITLE SCREEN ------------ ANY KEY Skip to save/load/proceed with game option IN GAME (GENERAL) ----------------- HELP Go to save/load/proceed with game screen (only when docked in Solbase) D Data screen F Forward view H Headup display toggle on/off W Weapons display on HUD toggle on/off SPACE Define object in crosshairs as Primary Target M Message screen L Launch from Solbase Q Quad Jump to selected planet S Solar system chart Z Zoom in X Zoom out ESC Launch escape pod T Tacticle screen ENTER Alter vantage point (on numeric pad) N Navigation screen SPACE Bring up dialogue box to type in selected destination IN GAME (AUTOPILOTS) -------------------- 1 Manual operation 2 Point at Primary Target 3 Persue Primary Target 4 Fine positioning 5 Slow thrust 6 Auto fly and halt 7 Point in direction of motion 8 Point opposite to direction of motion 9 Stop, then drop into Autopilot 4 0 Recentre yoke IN GAME (WEAPONS) ----------------- F1 Pseudo-Stellar missile F2 Stinger missile F3 Reconnaissance missile F4 Mine F5 Target drone F6 X-ray laser device RETURN Mass-driver cannon (MDC) MOUSE CONTROL ------------- UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT - AS SPACECRAFT YOKE LEFT BUTTON - FORWARD THRUST RIGHT BUTTON - RETRO THRUST BASIC CONTROLS -------------- THE MOUSE Mouse operates in two modes. As a conventional mouse pointer, or as the spacecraft yoke. 1. As a mouse, there is a circular crosshair resembling a gunsight serving as the on-screen mouse pointer. Moving the mouse moves the pointer - pressing the left button selects whatever is being pointed at. The mouse Pointer is centred on the screen before mouse operations. 2. As a yoke, the movements of the mouse control the ROLLing and PITCHing of the vessel. As a yoke the LEFT mouse button operates the ship's main engines, giving 6.3 Gs of forward thrust. The RIGHT button operates a 1G retrothruster. KEY CONTROLS ------------ The keys are bunched into sections....Numeric key (NOT on the keypad) select autopilots. Alphabetic keys select screens and modifiers....Function keys launch weapons. F - Forward View (through viewscreen, looking forward). For most of the game this screen is the default. It shows the forward view of the FOE-57 pilot looking forward from the front of his craft. This display may be modified as follows: H - Headup display (toggle on or off) The headup display is superimposed on the outside view. A crosshair appears at the centre of the display and flecks which represent fixed spatial points in the outside world permitting the pilot to visually understand his velocity. W - Weapons headup (toggle on or off) The weapons display is another layer of headup. A graphical representation of the ship, showing the position and the number of remaining weapons appears. The crosshair is modified to also show weapons and MDC Ammo. Identification tags appear on any vessel visible. Z - Zoom in X - Zoom out These keys alter the magnification of the forward-view image. T - Tacticle screen The ship's computer knows the position and orientation of every vessel in the surrounding space. Therefore it is possible for it to generate a real-time image of space from any vantage point. Including (not surprisingly) the vantage point of the front of out own ship. Pressing 't' initially does just that. It brings up the computer generated view of space from the front of your FOE-57. Planets are not shown. Like screen 'F', the weapon display can be toggled on or off and the zoom keys still work. The headup flecks cannot be removed. Unlike screen 'F' this image is generated by the ship's computer and can therfore be presented looking from any arbitary vantage point. ENTER (on the numeric keypad) will alter that vantage point. What it will do is give the image from the nose of any other object or vessel. Repeated pressing of 'ENTER' will cycle through all objects in the vicinity. You can see what the space station sees - see what an attacking alien sees or even look out from an asteroid or the nose of a missile. If the object you are viewing from 'dies' in the course of viewing from it - then the screen will flash and the next object will be selected. The technical term for the object-you-are-viewing-from is the Eye-Particle. The computer has another way of depicting space around the vessel. Pressing 't' again from within the tacticle screen will bring up the Tank screen. At the centre of the screen is the token representing the Eye-Particle. Space around the vessel is shown as a sphere of points - other vessels are shown as tokens. As the Eye-Particle rotates the ship at the centre appears to stay still but the sphere around it rotates. 'Enter' still works, allowing any ship to become the Eye-Particle. A zoomed-in view of the Eye-Particle ship is shown in the centre of the circle at the bottom left of the screen. The Z and X keys work in this screen but in a slightly different manner. Bringning the sphere closer and further away. The tank-screen enables the pilot to have an overview of three-dimensional space. The tacticle screens and the forward screen both feature annunicators. These flashing mnemonics are superimposed on the display to inform the pilot of some matter. Annunicators: PwS - meaning Proceed with Sortie NOr - meaning New Orders recieved IcM - meaning Incoming Missile II FMO - meaning Fresh Message Outstanding NOr and FMO both prompt the pilot to consult the message screen. In fact, close examination of some annunicators will reveal a small letter M. This is to suggest to the pilot that he consults the message-display screen. Pressing the M key... M - Brings up the message screen. Message screen (read orders and incoming messages). the message screen is shock-mounted electoluminescent display mounted beneath the main viewing screen. Its purpose is to display incoming messages - both from Solbase and from other vessels. D - Data on other vessels The D screen brings up a menu of names of all known vessels. As we learn about our alien adversaries this list grows to include them. Pointing and clicking on any of these will bring up a technical description sheet of that vessel. N - Navigational starchart This navigational screen shows a three-dimensional representation of all the known star systems around the Earth's Sun. A flashing blue highlight indicates our present position. The mouse pointer can be used to select any of the control buttons to manipulate the screen. Clicking on any star will select it. Selecting a star - will track this screen onto that star - such that it now appears at the centre of the screen. Selecting a star has the effect of locking it into the navigational computer - hence making it the destination of any future quad-jump. There is another way to select a desired star: by name. Pressing the space-bar brings up a small dialogue box. Typing the name - or the first part of the name - followed by return will select the named star, exactly as if it were clicked upon. Text at the bottom of this screen shows present location and selected destination. S - Solar system chart This is the other complementary half of the Navig screen, permitting fine destination control. Pressing 'S' will display the solar system of the Navig screen Selected Star. If no such star has been selected - then the solar system shown will be the current one. This screen displays the planets and their orbits. Satellites (moons) and their orbits are also shown. because of the huge difference in scales, this screen dynamically alters scale. Selecting any body makes it the destination for the quad-jump. NAVIGATIONAL CONTROLS --------------------- The Fist-Of-Earth interstellar attacking craft is piloted, employing a fly-by-wire system. All the pilot has to fly is the computer - the computer flies the ship. The ship may operate a selection of automatic pilot options. Some offer full manual control whilst others are fully automatic - permitting the pilot to attend other tasks. Experienced pilots employing manual modes will be able to out-perform the computer on basic manoeuvres. The mouse-yoke controls the rotational movement of the vessel. Left-right movement proportionally determines the roll. Up-down controls pitching. There is no direct yaw control. The Mouse buttons activate primary and retro-thruster, this way the vessel either accelerated exactly along the forward axis or accelerates along the reverse axis. Pilots of terrestrial craft are often disorientated when first flying a spacecraft. There is no necessity for a spacecraft to point in the direction of motion. Often in combat it is advantageous to be travelling in one direction and pointing in the weapons in another. The piloting computer has ten operation modes which the pilot may select, depending upon the circumstances. Numerical keys (not those on the keypad) select different piloting modes (autopilots): Orientation/Thrust 1. Manual operation - mouse piloting MANUAL/MANUAL 2. Point ship at the primary target COMPUTER/MANUAL 3. Pursue primary target COMPUTER/COMPUTER 4. Fine positioning (creep mode) MANUAL/MANUAL 5. Auto creep and halt COMPUTER/COMPUTER 6. Auto fly and halt COMPUTER/COMPUTER 7. Point in direction of motion COMPUTER/MANUAL 8. Point opposite to direction of motion COMPUTER/MANUAL 9. Stop (then drop into pilot mode 4) COMPUTER/MANUAL 0. Re-centre yoke. Mode 4 is most important when trying to establish an exact position. It simulates an inertialess movement system where the ship only moves when under thrust and stops instantly. Only low velocity movement is possible in this mode. This mode cannot be entered unless the ship is stationary. L - When in Solbase launch bay. This key initiates the launch sequence. Q - Quad jump This key initiates the quadspace jump to the selected location. This will not operate in the launch bay. If Quad Space motors are not attached, this key will not effect a quad jump. ESCAPE - Launch the pilot recovery vehicle. If the explosive bolts have been primed, this key will fire the cockpit and primary life support pod out of the nose of the ship and hopefully to safety. The micro-quad leaper pack will automatically return the pod back to Solbase. The intelligence division have insisted that an aboandoned ship be destroyed to prevent it from getting into enemy hands - so this procedure will also initiate the self-destruct sequence in the fusion system. WEAPON SYSTEMS -------------- There is provision for five classes of weapon aboard the vessel. Each class is tied to a seperate launch circuit. Each launched weapon may have an independant target. WEAPON SYSTEM OVERLAY The W key - in tacticle or forward screens brings up the display from the wepon system computer. This display shows number of wepons remaining as well as their position on the hull pylons. This display also shows possible targets known to the system. Target tokens appear as green boxes and are placed over possible targets. Symbols - within the boxes aid identification of the target type: If a vessel is overlaid with a gunsight symbol, then that is the current primary selected target. The primary target. To select a new primary target, point the ship at a new vessel and press the space bar. When a weapon is launched - the current primary target is what that weapon will be attempting to destroy. Skilled pilots will be able to rapidly launch three missiles at three different vessels by targetting, firing and rapidly re-targetting and refiring. Once a weapon is launched it cannot be recalled or re-targetted. FUNCTION KEYS LAUNCH WEAPONS F1 Pseudo-Stellar missile F2 Stinger missile F3 Reconnaissance missile F4 Mine F5 Target drone Missiles are launched at any selected target. Missiles are piloted like mini-spacecraft. They take time to orient themselves and fly a path to their targets. When launched they are accelerated forwards by mini-thrusters. It may take some seconds for the missiles to orient itself towards their chosen path before their main thrusters are ignited. It is therefore useful but not essential to launch a missile in the direction it wants to go. Missiles can be even launched at other missiles. Each vessel class is unique. Some vessels are heavily armoured and can only be destroyed with the appropriate weapon. Pseudo-Stellar Missiles are the most powerful and the most dangerous. Not only will they destroy the Target Vessel but it will also destroy any other vessel within the kill-radius including the vessel which fired it. If you fire-off one of these - get well away. Stinger missiles are general purpose missiles and are identical in most respects to the Ship-to-Ship missiles used by the alien forces. The probe or reconnaissance missile simply gathers data on its target. On impact, it deep-scans the target and relays the data back to the ship. Once scanned in this way the examined vehicle will appear in the data-screen. RETURN fire MDC The MDC or Mass-Driver Cannon provides limited anti-missile fire, as such it is classified as an entirely defensive weapon. It fires iron slugs at high-kinetic energies wich vaporize any small targets. Beam and particle weapons have proved ineffective for this task. Effective use of this weapon demands that the pilot attempts evasive manoeuvres before trying to shoot down a missile. GAME OPERATION The game starts with the pilot inside the FOE-57 which is docked in one of the four launch bays of Solbase. Solbase is rotating to proved artificial gravity. Text on the headup display prompts the player to read the message screen. This can be viewed by pressing the 'M' key. After the orders have been recieved - the player can launch the craft. It is launched by dropping out of the bottom of the launchbay. If weaponry is loaded onboard - then the ordiance screen appears, showing the weapons as they are loaded. Once in space - the yoke controls motion. Pilot mode 1 is selected by default. The player can tumble the craft around and view the large Solbase structure rotating. A series of four blue-flashing Navig Markers indicate the Solbase decking axis. Solbase is in a polar orbit around the Sun, some 90 million miles out. Turn on the headup-display to see movement queues. Turn weapon systems on and off. Accelerate the craft up to blue speed (the headup queues turn bluw to indicate a higher speed). Use autopilot 9 to stop the craft. Practice stopping and turning. This is not an aaircraft! Turning without acceleration does not result in a change in velocity! The 'S' key brings up the solar system chart. The mouse now operates a cursor. Clicking on the buttons results in rotation or zooming. Clicking on a planet causes the planet to be selected as a quad space destination. The name of selected planets appears on the screen. The screen tracks so as to place the selected planet in the centre of the display. The 'N' key brings up the Star navigation screen. This permits the selection of other star systems as destinations. The present selected destination is shown flashing. The 'M' key brings up the message screen. This is the pilot's way of recieving text information from the outside world. Ignoring the messages will result in game penalties being incurred. DOCKING ------- Docking with Solbase is not difficult but demands patience and attention to deatil. So pay attention. Dynamic magnetic buffers prevent slight inaccuracies from damaging the ship or Solbase. It is important that the ship is on the precise axis and moving precisely along it. The orientation of the ship is unimportant. There is an easy way to dock. There are four flashing Navig Markers which indicate the exact docking axis of Solbase. The outermost of these is important. For some people it helps if they select it as primary target. That way it is always marked with a cross and is harder to lose. MISSION ONE 'WALK THROUGH'/GUIDE TO DOCKING ------------------------------------------- Once the game has loaded and gone through the introduction sequence, the title screen showing the FOE-57 spacecraft will appear. PRESS ANY KEY The save/load game screen will now appear. CLICK ON 'PROCEED WITH GAME' You will now see the view from the front of your spacecraft in the docking bay. 'FMO' and 'NOR' will be flashing. PRESS M You will recieve your welcoming message. PRESS M AGAIN You will recieve your first orders. PRESS F You will now see the cockpit view again. 'PWS' (Proceed with Sortie) will be flashing. PRESS L This launches your craft. PRESS 9 You will now be stationary and you should see the Solbase and the four Navig Markers (flashing blue dots). 'FMO' will appear. PRESS M You will be told to fly away from Solbase. PRESS F You will be returned to forward view PRESS H Your HUD (headup display) will appear. PRESS W Your weapons display will appear. PUSH MOUSE GENTLY FORWARD And when the outermost Navig Marker appears in the Crosshairs - PRESS SPACE You have now named this Navig Marker as your 'Primary Target'. FLY AWAY FROM SOLBASE UNTIL 'FMO' APPEARS PRESS M You will now be told to fly to the outermost Navig Marker. PRESS F GET THE OUTERMOST NAVIG MARKER IN YOUR CROSSHAIRS (If You Cannot Do This, Then Press 2, Which Will Lock-On To The Navig Marker, Then Press 4). PRESS LEFT MOUSE BUTTON ** BUT DO NOT MOVE MOUSE ** (If Mouse moves You Must Press '0' To Stop, Then 4, Then Repeat Process Of Aligning With Navig Marker). This will thrust you to the Navig Marker. When you are there, 'FMO' will appear. PRESS M You will be told to fly along docking axis to Solbase. PRESS F GET SOLBASE IN CENTRE OF CROSSHAIRS THRUST TOWARDS SOLBASE UNTIL YOU PASS THE INNERMOST NAVIG MARKER GET SOLBASE IN CENTRE OF CROSSHAIRS PRESS 1 PRESS LEFT MOUSE BUTTON GENTLY You should now be flying SLOWLY towards the Solbase. When you are almost there, your view will change to that of the docking camera and you will see your ship dock. Your view will now return to inside the ship, looking out of the docking bay. 'FMO' will be flashing. PRESS M You will be congratulated on your successful mission. WELL DONE! ** YET MORE FROM THE PHANTOM LORD OF MWB/IKARI ** *** WELL, I'M OFF FOR MY HOLIDAY FOR 2 WEEKS. SEE YA WHEN I GET BACK *** ================================================================================= WARHEAD - MISSION GUIDE Typed in by PARASITE of LSD. MISSION 1 Get used to the ships main controls. All you have to do in this mission is fly 4000 M from solbase, turn around and face Solbase. Fly to the furthest beacon, and then fly in, when you get the appropriate cues for solbase. MISSION 2 Quad jump to Earth space, and fly towards the tech-ships. you will recieve a message telling you to return. Return and go into the space station. MISSION 3 Test the Stinger missiles in Venus space. Fly back and dock. MISSION 4 Test the Mass Driver Cannon which has been fitted to your ship. test, and fly back. MISSION 5 This mission lets you test the PRM or Pilot Recovery Module fitted to your ship. MISSION 6 In this mission you have ot patrol Mercury space. MISSION 7 Partol disturbances in Triton space. You will have to patrol a drone ship. Do not forget to send out a DGP or Data Gathering Probe to get information on the ship. MISSION 8 Engage unknown number of enemy (two A-Wings) in Triton space. Send out DGP before destroying them. MISSION 9 Four Corsairs have got into technical trouble, look after them until the support ship arrives. You will encounter some A-Wings, which you must destroy. MISSION 10 Check out the system CH-010 for unusual radiation levels. As soon as you get there you will find it has turned into a black hole. Read the message on your computer and then quad space back to Solbase and dock. MISSION 11 Follow up on information of the enemy in Alpha Centuri/Bainks. Patrol the space, read the message and return to Solbase. MISSION 12 Go to Niven/Tau Ceti and investigate new fighter design. You will have to deploy a DGP at the unknown target when it gets close enough. Then quad back to Solbase. MISSION 13 Check on a convoy of ships. Go to the lead ship and get very close (between 5-100m). He will then charge his ship up so the convoy will make a quad jump. Return to Solbase. MISSION 14 A C-Wing has got past Solbase outer defense and penetrated Mars space. Hunt it down and destroy it. its easy to kill. Return to Solbase. MISSION 15 Test out the new proximity mines in Venus space. Fire them at dummy targets. MISSIOM 16 You will meet the beserker. Fire all you have, and make sure it hits! Read all the messages, and when the Bezerker sends "Leave this space creature, before I eat you", quad space back to Solbase. MISSION 17 Observe Bezerker in Tau Ceti/Protector space. Watch him and see if you can get a drone squadron with the DGP`s. When he follows you fire all weapons at him. Make sure they all hit, or you die later on in the game. MISSION 18 Routine patrol of Kruger-60 space. MISSION 19 If all was successful in the first two encounters with the bezerker, he will be in pluto space. hit him from a distance. MISSION 20 Routine patrol of Sigma Draconis. You will meet the Bezerker again and get called bach to Solbase. MISSION 21 You will be asked to check out emergency signals from Alpha Centuri/Wasp. MISSION 22 You will be asked to check a distress call coming from a medical convoy. You will encounter Bezerker yet again and be called back. MISSION 23 The bezerker gets personal. So must you and shake him off in anyway you can. Take him to CH-010 and wait for him to get sucked in and destroyed. When you've read the message and watched him vanish into the Black hole, it changes colour. Quad back to Solbase and get your congratulatory message. MISSION 24 Patrol Proximita Centuri/Goldenman. You will run into all three C- Wings. Destroy them and return when told to. MISSION 25 Check out new ship among the planets of Sirius two or three, so forget about going to all. Got to either or to both to find it. MISSION 26 Intercept and destroy the H-Wing around Earth's moon. But you will not be able to destroy it, only damage it. MISSION 27 Protect a fuel freighter heading for Solbase. Get out there fast and save it. Destroy all ships which come. MISSION 28 Investigate activity in Tau Ceti System. Start from Mote and work your way to Foot. Before you quad to Mote, make sure that you are stationary, otherwise you will go up in smoke. When the mines are destroyed, continue and quadspace every so often towards FOOT. When you get there you will be told to return. MISSION 29 Investigate single vessel in the Barnards/Ptolemy. MISSION 30 Follow the other FOE-57's to Kruger-60 space. Be ready for a suprize attack from a H-Wing. Use all weapons on it, even the MDC and it will blow up. Follow flight leaders instructions. MISSION 31 Destroy all vessels in tau Ceti/Gift system. Egg carriers must all be destroyed. MISSION 32 Destroy all ships in the Scorpion Nebula. Turn on tactical display to filter out interferance from the Nebula. You will also come accross a Syrian cloaking device. Destroy as much as possible. MISSION 33 Test the new X-Ray laser Mines in Venus space. MISSION 34 Destroy some of the massing ships in Saturn/Titan space. Use all weapons. MISSION 35 Sirian fleet has penetrated through to Solbase and is outside the base. Get the H-Wings first. Otherwise they will destroy the station. Once the ships have been destroyed, dock. MISSION 36 Test Pseudostallar warhead missiles in Venus space. Be careful, they are dangerous. MISSION 37 Destroy the reminants of the Sirian fleet with the weapons you have. They can be found in earthspace. MISSION 38 Follow super freighter from Pluto to Sirius Five and destroy the clone ship. Sit back and enjoy the final sequence. GENERAL NOTES To evade enemy missiles, fly backwards in front of the enemy and make sure you stay at least 3000m in front of him. That way his missiles run out of fuel before they can get anywhere near you. On mission 27 make sure that before you go to Mote you are not moving. If you are you will hit a mine and be destroyed. Do not fire any weapons unnecessarily or you will not go to the next mission. Solbase will not call you back, so when you quad space and dock you will be told to do it again because you made unautherised jumps. When firing Proximity mines the first two come out from the bottom and the second two from the top of the ship. When you fire at something, raise the nose slightly and fire the first two. Then lower the nose slightly, and fire the second two. Laser mines do not need the procedure. If you make any unnecessary quad jumps then you have to do the mission again. To finish the Bezerker, you must hit him with everything each time you see him. Fly backwards in front of him and fire weapons. Follow mission tips he will eventually be squashed by the Black hole. End.